Thursday, September 18, 2008

God Is Good.....ALL the Time

Today the weather has been absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

Our daughter returned from her youth group last night with a photo treasure hunt list. I read over the list of crazy things for her to take pictures of and to e-mail back to the youth leader. One item on the list was to take a picture of a cloud, shaped like a heart. I thought COOL...then as I began to watch the clouds today, I thought this is not as easy as I thought it would be. The wind was blowing the clouds around quicker than you could get the camera. Needless to say what may have started out shaping up to look like a heart would just be a puffy cloud by the time I even turned the camera on. I soon became intrigued with this cloud picture mission and soon made it my own. I took the camera out and waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing that looked like a heart. So, back into the house I go. Then it occured to me to pray for a heart shaped cloud. I figured that if I was concerned, then God would be concerned too. So pray I did.

I grabbed the camera and as I walked out the door, I said, "Lord, only you can blow me up a heart shaped cloud." I looked up in the sky. Just puffy clouds, then I turned around and looked back over the top of the house and you guessed it. A beautiful heart shaped cloud.

Yes, God is Good All the Time!

Imagine if we put ALL of our cares and worries into His hands. Not just the little things - He cares about them all, we just need to let go and let Him take charge.

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